Scripture Sharing

These scriptures are from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. The publisher is Zondervan (1973).

Topic: Can men get pregnant?

In the news recently, it was mentioned that a man was pregnant. I asked myself, is this true God? Can a man get pregnant? The answer that came to me was “no”. Men can have families either by planting a seed within a woman, adopting, or by other means. However, not being a doctor and from my understanding a man’s body isn’t able to go through the birthing cycle like a woman. It seems that God wanted men to be fathers and heads of the household but not the ones carrying the child within their bodies.

So, the question is then how can a man become pregnant? After reading the whole news article, I found that the man pregnant was born a women. Even though he identifies as “he” he still has the female composition. The male who identifies as a “he” who is sexual active with male is able to get pregnant because he is really a she. Although he identify as a male, he still has the female composition to get pregnant. Therefore, as of today, a male cannot get pregnant.

Topic: Compassion to All

When reading the bible, some topics are very hard to understand. How do we help someone uncomfortable understand the topic better? (remember they are asking you for support).

First, acknowledge that they are uncomfortable. Let them know that you care about their feelings. Try to help them understand what was read but try not to make it worst. Let them know that their are some topics in the bible that are hard to understand even for you. Second, let them know that during that time you seek God through prayer and ask him to help you with this specific topic. If you know any scriptures that will support them, you can share it with them. Again, be careful not to make the matter worse. We are God’s instruments of learning, sharing and showing compassion. Enjoy your conversation!

Topic: The greatest commandment?

Jesus replied: “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37).

Love comes in all forms, this Love is what is given to God directly. When we love God it should be with all of your heart, which means we are not holding back.

As you are building your relationship with God, please make sure you are opening your heart to him. Enjoy your relationship with him.

Topic: What is a Samaritan?

A Samaritan in the Bible was a person from Samaria, which was within the North of Jerusalem. They came from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Samaritan had their unique religious system. Their worship site was on the Mount Gerizim.

The most recognized Samaritan in the Bible was in Jesus’ parable “The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37).

Topic: Unity

Doesn’t it feel good when God’s people get along? I know for me; I like it when people are pleasant to be around.

That’s how God wants it. He mentioned this in Psalm 133:1. God said, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”

When we are behaving it is making God happy. So, let us enjoy our relationships with others because at the end of the day we are putting a smile on God’s face.

Take care.

Topic: Be strong and courageous!

Have you ever been down and out? Then, you wonder how can I be strong when I don’t feel like moving? How do I move forward?

The answer is with God’s help. First, I want to let you know that you are not alone and it okay to have moments of weakness. The point is not to stay there long.

I want you to call of God for help! Deuteronomy 31: 6 says, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Here God is letting you know that you do not have to be afraid or terrified because he will never forsake you.

I may not know your circumstance, but I have learned that God has continued to provide for me, and he will provide for you. He can be your strengthen when you are weak and will restore you back to you strong and courageous state. Amen.

Topic: Taming your Tongue!

Have you ever had a hard time taming your tongue? If yes, you are not alone. Watching what comes out of our mouths is a full-time job. However, we can be trusted to tame our tongue. Why? because it will be helpful to the person or persons standing in front of us.

This is what God has to say about it? It can be found at Ephesian 4:29, it says “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”.

So let us make God proud by Taming our Tongue.

Have a good day.